Gracyanne Barbosa opens up about possible reconciliation with Belo: “Love of my life”

Gracyanne Barbosa opens up about possible reconciliation with Belo: “Love of my life”
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The influencer and fitness muse Gracyanne Barbosa40 years old, opened up about a possible return with Beautiful, after 16 years of relationship with the pagodeiro. In a podcast interview Lucas Guimarães It is Camila Louresthe former dancer of Tchakabum admitted that the two are hurt by the exposure of the end of their marriage.

“It’s not just my decision. I think that now we are very hurt. We ended up hurting ourselves a lot, but when it was publicized, it added more things and this exposure is very heavy”, confessed the model.

Gracyanne Barbosa also stated that he regrets the separation with the singer, but highlighted that the two needed a moment to rethink their relationship. “Today I don’t have an answer, but I believe that where there is love, there is hope. Not today, not now (there is no going back). Today we can’t pass a rubber. I know that I want to be with him, that there is love, but I think they both need time. It was not necessary. I regret it a lot”she added.

Still in the interview, the fitness influencer denied that the separation was a marketing strategy to boost the couple’s career and reported that Beautiful It is the great passion of his life. “He is the love of my life. My love for him I think will never end, but I can still live without him, I will continue working. He is the man of my life. If I could go back, I would, I would Everything different”, completed Gracyanne Barbosa.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Gracyanne Barbosa opens reconciliation Belo Love life




