Lecture on health marks Mother’s Day for municipal employees


This Thursday, the 9th, the Lavras City Hall auditorium held an inspiring and informative lecture, dedicated to municipal servant mothers, in celebration of Mother’s Day. The event covered a variety of essential health-related topics, recognizing the importance of taking care of the health of pregnant women and babies from the early stages of pregnancy.

Understanding that pregnancy is a fundamental time to establish healthy habits, the speakers shared fundamental information about dentistry, nutrition and breastfeeding care.

The presence of dentistry was particularly highlighted, highlighting its relevance in health education. During the event, pregnant women were informed about the importance of oral health not only for themselves, but also for the well-being of their children. Understanding that oral health is linked to general health is crucial, and this awareness will certainly benefit not just mothers, but the entire family.

Additionally, the talk promoted an environment of support and community for the mothers in attendance. The exchange of experiences and mutual support are fundamental aspects to strengthen bonds between mothers and provide the necessary support during this challenging journey of motherhood.

The meeting held at Lavras City Hall was a special tribute to municipal servant mothers, recognizing not only their vital role in the community, but also providing the necessary tools and information to ensure the well-being of their families.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lecture health marks Mothers Day municipal employees




