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Madonna’s ‘senior fan’ wins VIP ticket to the show, after web campaign and hotel door

From a photo on the web to the campaign in front of the hotel where Madonna is staying in Rio, Brazilian Marco Coelho did everything to attract the attention of sponsors to gain space in the VIP area of ​​the diva’s free show next Saturday, the 4th. Not only because of the desire to see his idol up close, but also because he imagined the difficulties of facing the crowd, at 63 years old. And he finally did it.

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“Without your support and virality, none of this would have happened”, wrote Marco Coelho on X, the old Twitter, thanking those who helped him in the endeavor.

Remarkable moments of the Queen of Pop in Rio

What arguments did he use? Marco Coelho recalled an old Madonna performance, in 1990, in London, England, which he attended. He also said that he is a fan of the old ones (he called himself a “senior fan”) and is a contemporary of the artist. He gained the affection of other internet users, who nicknamed him “Divo from the Blonde ambition tour”, the tour he attended in the 1990s.

“Dearest, Itaú, I come through this post to ask, as a senior representative and contemporary of Madonna, that you invite me to the VIP area, because at 29 I bravely faced the crowd to see the queen up close at the Blond ambition tour, in London. Already today , at 63, I can’t face it”, said Marco, who also posted a photo of him today and another at the time of the show where he attended the pop diva.

Fans of the pop diva joined in. “Take out some influencer who doesn’t know any of Madonna’s songs and put him in. This is social justice,” wrote a user on the social network. “I even gave up showing the few items I have from Madonna to try to win (entry to the VIP area), so this divo could go in my place. He deserves it so much!”, wrote another. “That’s it. Anyone who knows how to do all the choreography, sing all the songs and knows all the singles has to be called to the VIP area”, said another.

Marco also worked at the Copacabana Palace, in Copacabana, in the South Zone of Rio. It is the hotel where Madonna is staying. There, he met with other fans, raised a rallying cry and even gave newspaper interviews.

“The guys bought my fight”, Marco had fun, showing the excerpt.

Madonna’s show will be next Saturday, the 4th, in Copacabana, at post 2, and is free. The stage will be facing Leme. In total, there will be 16 sound and video towers so the show can reach Avenida Princesa Isabel, with a distance of 80 meters between one pair of towers and the other.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Madonnas senior fan wins VIP ticket show web campaign hotel door