Gracyanne Barbosa criticizes Luciano Huck for comment about break-up: ‘Fragile moment’ | Celebrities

Gracyanne Barbosa criticizes Luciano Huck for comment about break-up: ‘Fragile moment’ | Celebrities
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Gracyanne Barbosa – Reproduction/Instagram

Gracyanne BarbosaReproduction/Instagram

Published 05/10/2024 07:30

Rio – Gracyanne Barbosa criticized Luciano Huck due to the fact that the presenter suggested during “Domingão com Huck” that Belo, singer and ex-husband of the fitness muse, should find a new love during their messy divorce.

Belo talked about his separation during the program, and Huck suggested creating a framework to find a new passion for the singer. Gracyanne didn’t like the joke. The influencer has already participated in “Dança dos Famosos” and “Saltibum”.

Last Sunday (05), the presenter apologized to Gracyanne for the comment, but she made a point of talking about how she felt in an interview with the podcast “PodCats” this Thursday (09) and was disappointed with Luciano’s joke.

“Belo was at Luciano, he talked about love, he said that where there is love, there is hope, and Luciano immediately made a joke […]. I know it’s a joke, if I hadn’t been in such a fragile moment, I wouldn’t have even been upset, I understand it’s on television, but come on,” she said.

She expected words of support from the presenter and highlighted that she felt used to attract an audience and questioned whether everything is worth it for the audience, forgetting the human side. The end of the 15-year relationship between Gracyanne and Belo was announced in April this year.

“He could have made the joke, but I missed that ‘I hope everything goes well for you’, ‘I hope you stay well’, even if we don’t stay together, but a cheer… Is it all worth it for the audience? Is it worth forgetting the human being?” he added.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Gracyanne Barbosa criticizes Luciano Huck comment breakup Fragile moment Celebrities




