Fabiana Justus takes her twins to school for the first time after discharge

Fabiana Justus takes her twins to school for the first time after discharge
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The digital influencer Fabiana Justusdaughter of the businessman Roberto Justus, appeared with the eldest daughters at a very special moment. It turns out that he took the girls to another day of school. The girls, who are five years old, are the result of her relationship with businessman Bruno Levi D’Ancona, to whom she is married.

Chiara and Sienna are twins and the couple’s first children. In August last year, the family expanded once again with the arrival of a little boy. Luigi is the youngest of the trio. The little one turned eight months old. Whenever possible, the influencer shares beautiful records with her heirs.

please note that Fabiana Justus has faced a very delicate situation since the beginning of this year. It turns out that she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Care began immediately and she had to stop breastfeeding her youngest child almost instantly.

The treatment goes through a few phases and, precisely because of this, the celebrity needed to spend some time away from home. Consequently, she was also distant from the children who could not visit her as often during her hospitalization. As soon as she returned home, after the bone marrow transplant she had been waiting for, mom has been enjoying all her time with her little ones.

This Thursday (09), Fabiana Justus appeared taking her daughters to school. Taking all the necessary precautions and accompanied by one of her employees, the influencer and the girls posed happily for the photo. “Getting bullied at school”, captioned the celebrity when sharing the photo with her fans.

Fabi Justus He also revealed that he will need to return to the hospital and explained what happened. “Back! Take the maintenance medicine! This week it will be every day! I wanted to show that my eyelashes fell out a lot, I had a lot. Who remembers? But, it will grow. The eyebrows didn’t fall out, I really wish they wouldn’t,” said Roberto Justus’ daughter.

Fabiana Justus taking the twins to school, before going to the hospital
Fabiana Justus taking her daughters to school, before going to the hospital

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Tags: Fabiana Justus takes twins school time discharge




