Former medical BBBs announce shelter for women and children after complaints in RS

Former medical BBBs announce shelter for women and children after complaints in RS
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The ex-BBBs Marcela Mc Gowan, Thelma Assis and Amanda Meirelles are in Canoas, in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), to assist victims of the floods that devastate almost the entire state. This Thursday (9), doctors announced the creation of the first shelter just for women and children in the city.

“The first shelter just for women and children is being created here so we can get more privacy and security for them. It emerged from the efforts of several incredible women”, said Marcela, who showed how the space turned out.

“It’s the cutest thing! We got support from Me Too and Survivor to help buy things, making the shelter even more complete and special”, she added, in Instagram stories.

In addition to Marcela, Thelma celebrated the achievement. “I can’t speak, but just to say that all of this here was organized by women in a task force. And you can’t help but get emotional,” said the doctor.

Amanda, who cares for patients admitted to the ICU, also shared how the public can help the shelter through the Survivor Institute.

In-person donations can be made at Rua Venâncio Aires, 2400, Niterói neighborhood, in Canoas (RS). See what the shelter looked like here.

Balance of floods

Civil Defense updated the flood balance at 12pm this Thursday (9). According to the agency, the number of deaths rose to 107, but one death is still under investigation. On the other hand, the number of injured rose to 374 and the number of missing to 136.

There are 428 cities affected by the floods, 67,563 people are homeless and 165,112 are displaced. In total, 1,482,006 people were affected.

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