Richie Sambora’s only condition to return to Bon Jovi

Richie Sambora’s only condition to return to Bon Jovi
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Around Richie Sambora to the Bon Jovi It seems, at the same time, close and distant. The guitarist is the one who talks most about the subject, while the vocalist Jon Bon Jovi doesn’t confirm anything.

Sambora brought up the topic again. This time, however, she imposed a condition to return to her position, which has been held since 2013. Phil X. The doors appear to be open, but there are still rough edges to be ironed out by both parties.

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Participating on The Allison Hagendorf Show (via American Songwriter), the musician was asked about a possible return to the band he helped found. His only demand has to do with the topic of the moment within the group: Jon’s vocal health, who recently underwent surgery.

The musician said:

“If he gets his voice back, I’ll play. I have songs. I swear to god. It’s an honest-to-God truth… I told everyone that I would come back, without a doubt. The world needs this… we need hope.”

Although it is difficult to believe for those who know showbusiness, Sambora insists that an eventual return would have nothing to do with money. The guitarist also makes it clear that he talks openly with Jon and the band about this — although the singer himself said that he does not maintain contact with his former colleague.

Richie added:

“The fans would love it. It’s not about finances, it has nothing to do with it. The world could use this. But like Jon said, he’s been having trouble with his voice and now he’s had that operation… it’s uncertain at best. I don’t know if there is anyone who has done this and been successful. I’m really not sure about that. And I went to his house, we talked about it.”

No fights

On the other hand, Jon Bon Jovi also seems open to Sambora’s return, as the guitarist participated in the documentary series about the band, “Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story”. In an interview with Absolute Radio, transcribed by Music News, the singer did not rule out the idea, as there was no conflict between both parties.

However, he made it clear that it is not just up to him. The vocalist declared:

“Well, it’s been 11 years [desde que ele saiu] and I’m still waiting for a call from him. Who knows what the future holds. You have to understand that there was never a fight or disagreement, he left the band 11 years ago out of nowhere in the middle of the night. There was no resentment, because being in a rock band, as glorious as it sounds, is hard work and he decided that being on the road with us wasn’t for him and just didn’t show up anymore. That’s exactly what happened.”

At the same time, Jon shows that his health is a priority and the “Sambora issue” is secondary to his full recovery. The frontman also seems to be thinking more about a special event than a definitive return. For Patrícia Dantas, from Uol Splash, the singer stated:

“Let’s take care of my health first. It’s nice of him to think he’d like to come back and perform somewhere with us. We’ll deal with it when we come to it. He left the band eleven years ago, it’s been a long time.”

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Tags: Richie Samboras condition return Bon Jovi




