Company owner takes a plane trip with his dog to show what animals feel

Company owner takes a plane trip with his dog to show what animals feel
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Have you ever imagined traveling for hours in a cramped space, not knowing when you will arrive at your destination and not being able to appreciate the surrounding landscape? It would be distressing, don’t you think?

Well, that’s how pets travel when they’re in the cargo hold of a plane.

Matt Meeker, president of the airline Bark Air, set himself a challenge in mid-April: traveling by plane inside a carrier, as if it were a dog, to experience what it feels like to be in that situation.

How was it, huh?!


The trip was from Florida to New York, approximately 1,170 km away. In time, this trip would last 4 hours.

Matt Meeker, president of the airline Bark Air. (Photo: YouTube/ BARK)

Of course, Matt didn’t stay in the box all that time; he stayed for about 45 minutes to an hour.

Long enough for him to declare, “So four hours feels like a lifetime.”

“It was very cramped, very dark. Loud noises. Disorienting. No food or water. There’s no place to go to the bathroom,” Meeker told The Washington Post. “It was very, very terrible.”

Charter Flights for Dogs

Matt says this trip was an “absolute horror show,” so he looked for a new way for families to travel with their pets.

Flights will begin to be offered from May 23rd by Bark Air, using private jets from the charter company Talon Air for all family members, including pets.

Matt remained in the box for about 45 minutes to an hour. (Photo: YouTube/ BARK)

Planes typically seat 14 people, excluding crew, but reservations on Bark will be limited to 10 people to ensure enough space for four-legged passengers.

Dogs can stay anywhere on the aircraft, whether on their owners’ laps, on the floor or on the plane’s sofas.

After booking the flight, a concierge will contact the family to assess the dog’s temperament and assist with logistics.

Logistics and comfort

Passengers are recommended to arrive 45 minutes to one hour before departure. They will be welcomed in a private area inside the terminal. Dogs will have the opportunity to socialize before boarding.

During the flight, pets can fly off-leash as long as they are well-behaved.

On board, special snacks will be offered and the crew will include professionals trained in veterinary care.

Route and prices

Bark Air will fly weekly between Westchester County Airport in White Plains, New York, and Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles.

Matt found the experience horrible. (Photo: YouTube/ BARK)

The following week, bimonthly service between Westchester and London Stansted Airport will begin.

Reservations at will go live on Thursday, National Pet Day.

A one-way cross-country flight costs US$6,000 (R$30,414.60) for one dog and one owner; the transatlantic flight costs US$8,000 (R$40,553.60).

Inspiration and purpose

The idea for Bark Air was inspired by Hugo, Matt Meeker’s Great Dane.

The pet traveled to almost twenty US states and Canada throughout its twelve years of life.

However, he never had the chance to explore the West Coast or Europe due to the restrictions and challenges pets face when flying, especially because of their large size.

Check out the challenge:

See also this video:

We unmask the PUG breed dogs – Nobody told you that

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Company owner takes plane trip dog show animals feel




