Pedro Scooby reports health problems caused by flood water: “Millions of microbes”

Pedro Scooby reports health problems caused by flood water: “Millions of microbes”
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Pedro Scooby, who has been in Rio Grande do Sul since Monday, the 6th, to help flood victims, used his social networks to report some of the problems faced by the population of Rio Grande do Sul.

On Thursday, the 9th, the surfer explained that contaminated water is causing health problems. “For those who don’t know, the water we enter has dead animals, dead people passed by, there are millions of bacteria, my foot is full of scallops by the way,” he said.

The ex-BBB also said that, before arriving in Rio Grande do Sul, he had to take medicine against leptospirosis, but that he still faces problems with his foot.

The searches carried out by him and his volunteers came to an end on Thursday.

Scooby reported having rescued more than a thousand people and that a friend will send more than 300 tons of medicine to the state.

The athlete also used social media to thank his wife, Cintia Dicker, for taking care of his children while he is in the south of the country.

“In less than 48 hours, she gathered supplies for the south […] She hasn’t stopped for a second and is still taking care of Dom and Aurora. I have no words to thank you, you are awesome, I love you.”

He ended his speech by asking his followers to send food donations to Rio Grande do Sul.

See too

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Pedro Scooby reports health problems caused flood water Millions microbes




