The conversation between Daronco and VAR in widespread confusion in the Libertadores


General confusion marked the match between Nacional-URU It is River Plateplayed last Tuesday (7), in Uruguay, by CONMEBOL Libertadores and which ended 2-2. This Wednesday (8), the VAR audio was released.

At 14 minutes, Lozano, with both feet up and down, arrives to compete for the Aliendro ball. The harsh arrival triggers widespread confusionwhere Polenta hits Paulo Díaz in the face.

Called by VAR to analyze the move, referee Anderson Daronco is alerted to the Uruguayan player’s difficult arrival at the Argentine rival.

However, the Brazilian, both for the sudden dispute over the ball and for Polenta’s hand on Díaz’s face, only applies a yellow card.

See the conversation below:

  • Darcono: “Tough, but good. Yellow for 14.”

  • VAR: “We’re seeing the rest of the mess.”

  • AVAR: “There’s an arm here.”

  • Daronco: “For you, because you go for the ball like that (signal with the hands of both feet on top), but strong. You’re missing.”

  • VAR: “I recommend you review the entry, ok? The entry and there is player number 5 and there is a situation with 10. You will see 14 and then you will see everything.”

  • VAR: “He jumps over the ball, okay? And hits the player hard. I’ll show you another angle.”

  • VAR: “Now I’m going to show you the other situation. For now they’re just holding on. That movement there.”

  • Daronco: “Number 5, for me, doesn’t give me a red card. I want to see the entry again.”

  • VAR: “The entrance seems a little strong to me.”

  • Daronco: “I want the point of contact.”

  • VAR: “He jumps over the ball. Look at the intensity, ok? Do you see, Anderson? He jumps over the ball with intensity. The jump twists the player’s knees and generates the entire process of discussion, pushing and fighting. “

  • Daronco: “I’m thinking about keeping the yellow and giving the yellow to 5, ok? 5 yellow for me and 14, for me, I’ll keep the yellow.”

What happened?

At 14 minutes into the 2nd half, Lozano made a harsh tackle on Aliendro, who was left lying on the ground. It was enough for players from both teams to exchange shoves.

Brazilian referee Anderson Daronco showed a yellow card to Lozano and was then called by the VAR to see if it was a red card, as the River Plate players requested.

After analyzing the move, Daronco maintained his decision on the field and did not expel Lozano. With 11 players, Nacional-URU sought a draw with two goals from Gonzalo Carneiro.

The result prevented River Plate from qualifying early for the round of 16 of the Libertadores. With two rounds remaining, the Argentine team leads group H, with 10 points, six behind third place Freedom.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: conversation Daronco VAR widespread confusion Libertadores




