VIDEO – Documentary that tells the story of CUT features never-before-seen interviews with 30 founders

VIDEO – Documentary that tells the story of CUT features never-before-seen interviews with 30 founders
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Written in CULTURE he 5/10/2024 · 7:48 pm

On May 21st (Tuesday) the documentary will be released “The generation that created CUT: the story by those who created it”, directed by Celso Gonçalves. The film features never-before-seen interviews with 30 founders of the organization and tells the story of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), the largest trade union center in the country. The premiere will be at 7pm at the Brasília Bank Workers Union.

The project began during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020-2022), when an independent group of researchers, advisors and union leaders developed the project to rescue the historical process that culminated in the creation of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores.

Firstly, the idea was to launch a book organized by professor Iram Jácome Rodrigues, sociologist and professor at USP. The work was released in December 2023 in São Paulo with the same name as the documentary. The edition was made by Editora Annablume and has 423 pages.

But it turns out that the production of the book involved a production process that later facilitated the idea of ​​the documentary. 30 interviews were carried out with historical activists and founders of the CUT, most of them via video-recorded calls – a technique that became popular during the pandemic period.

According to a note from CUT, the interviews seek to recover the stories of these 30 union leaders to understand and analyze the historical process that generated the organization and the union concepts that were in dispute in the debate at the time. Furthermore, the main objective is to rescue the organization’s memory.

The project has the support of the CUT Communication Secretariat, the Lavoro Institute and the Perseu Abramo Foundation. In addition to director Celso Gonçalves, the work is produced and iconographic research by Marcos Dascânio and soundtrack by DJ Patronig. In addition to Professor Iram, other intellectuals also participated in the project: Cláudio Nascimento (social educator, researcher and writer), João Marcelo Pereira dos Santos (doctor in Social History of Labor and advisor to CUT/RS), Maria Silvia Portela de Castro (master in Social Sciences and former advisor at CUT Nacional) and Sandra Oliveira Cordeiro (psychologist and advisor at CUT Nacional).

The 30 interviews

  • Ana Lucia Da Silva
  • Antônio Carlos Portela De Castro
  • Avelino Ganzer
  • Armando Rollemberg
  • Cyro Garcia
  • D. Angelico Sandalwood Bernardino
  • Delúbio Soares
  • Edson Campos
  • Enid Diva Marx Backes
  • Francisco Urbano
  • Gilberto Carvalho
  • Gilmar Carneiro
  • Jacy Afonso
  • Jair Meneguelli
  • Jairo Carneiro
  • João Paulo Lima E Silva
  • João Paulo Pires De Vasconcelos
  • José Pedro Da Silva
  • Julio Turra
  • Luiz Azevedo
  • Maira Aparecida Rodrigues De Miranda
  • Maira Eunice Dias Wolf
  • Miguel Rossetto
  • Oliver Dutra
  • Osvaldo Bargas
  • Paulo Paim
  • Paulo Skromov
  • Perry Falcon
  • Rosiver Pavan
  • Sebastian Neto

Watch the trailer

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: VIDEO Documentary tells story CUT features neverbeforeseen interviews founders




