Police investigate videos of shots fired during the football championship in Nova Holanda | Rio de Janeiro

Police investigate videos of shots fired during the football championship in Nova Holanda | Rio de Janeiro
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Shots were fired during a celebration at a football tournament in Nova Holanda – Reproduction

Shots were fired during celebrations at a football tournament in Nova Holandareproduction

Published 12/05/2024 19:15

Rio – The Civil Police opened an investigation to identify those responsible for explosions during a football tournament that took place on Saturday night (11), in the Nova Holanda community, in Complexo da Maré, in the North Zone of Rio.

Images circulating on social media show several people on a block in the community, when gunshots begin. The event was a football tournament and, after one of the teams won the title, several bursts of gunfire could be heard.

The recordings also show children in the middle of the celebration. People remain in the middle of the court even though shots are being fired. The Fogo Cruzado Institute recorded gunshots in the region at around 9:30 pm.

The case is investigated by the Narcotics Repression Police Department (DRE). According to the Civil Police, the videos are being analyzed in order to identify those involved.

In September 2022, another championship in Nova Holanda also recorded gunshots and became the target of an investigation by the DRE. At the time, a crowd watched the match glued to a fence that divides the field from the public and then celebrated the result while shots were fired.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Police investigate videos shots fired football championship Nova Holanda Rio Janeiro




