Truck with donations for victims in RS overturns in Santa Catarina | VGN

Truck with donations for victims in RS overturns in Santa Catarina | VGN
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A truck loaded with donations destined for victims of intense rains in Rio Grande do Sul overturned this Friday (10.05) in Seara, Santa Catarina. The incident occurred on the city’s road perimeter. The driver, whose identity was not revealed, escaped with minor injuries, according to information from the Military Highway Police (PMRv).

According to reports from PMRv, the vehicle, coming from Paraná, overturned after a mechanical failure. The truck, which was transporting clothes and food, ended up with its wheels up after the overturn. Residents of the region helped collect the cargo, which was transferred to another vehicle and continued on its journey.

The exact moment of the accident was captured by local security cameras. In the images, it is possible to see the truck going down the road and turning abruptly at the exit of a curve, before tipping over completely. The driver, who is from Flores da Cunha, Rio Grande do Sul, was found by firefighters lying on the ground. He was immobilized and transported to Hospital São Roque, in Seara, to receive medical attention.

So far, the driver’s health status has not been disclosed by authorities. Seara Health Surveillance inspected the cargo to ensure that the donations were not contaminated. The accident also resulted in the destruction of three monitoring cameras installed in the region.(With g1)

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Truck donations victims overturns Santa Catarina VGN




