Producers from the Federal District participate in a workshop to improve pitaya cultivation


Highly nutritious, with a peculiar flavor and shape, the pitaya has gradually won over the palate of Brasilia residents. The exotic fruit attracts the attention of consumers at points of sale, and represents a profitable alternative for several families and small producers in the Federal District.

This Friday (10), Emater-DF offered a workshop on pitaya pruning and cultivation techniques | Photos: Geovana Albuquerque/Agência Brasília

Last Friday (10), the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (Emater-DF) received around 30 farmers and specialists for a workshop on pruning and cultivation techniques for the species, at the headquarters of Embrapa Cerrados, in Planaltina. This was the seventh workshop of its kind, aimed at those interested in tropical fruit.

“Planting pitaya is an alternative source of income and diversification of cultivation, even on your own property. You can produce in a small space and have good profitability”

Felipe Camargo, fruit growing coordinator at Emater

The growing market and the ease of cultivation have encouraged the growth in the number of pitaya producers in the DF, who deliver quality. In the last eight years alone, the number of people investing in the species has jumped from four to 55 farmers, with 17 hectares planted.

According to Emater’s fruit growing coordinator, Felipe Camargo, the so-called “dragon fruit” offers a series of benefits, especially because it produces a significant number of fruits in smaller planting areas, selling at attractive prices. On average, a kilo of pitaya is sold for between R$20 and R$30 in the DF.

“Planting pitaya is an alternative source of income and diversification of cultivation, even on your own property. You can produce in a small space and have good profitability, as it is a fruit that is still considered exotic, different, and has a good market price. It is possible to take advantage of even small areas to obtain a much greater income”, highlights the agronomist.

Pitaya cultivation produces a significant number of fruits and depends on smaller areas for planting

Pruning and cultivation techniques

During the morning, producers who invest in the fruit or who intend to start planting it learned about good practices for managing production efficiently, and got their hands dirty – or rather, with the scissors. The workshop participants themselves carried out the pruning and separated the seedlings to grow on their properties.

José Mário Amaral, 60 years old, has a small farm on his farm, in Planaltina, and says he was enchanted by the flavor, quality and sweetness of the pitaya. “I think it’s a really cool fruit, and I’m excited to start growing it. I learned today, from the technician, that it is possible to generate a good income with production on a larger scale, and the soil I have is my own. I was quite excited and plan to plant some trees this year,” he says.

José Amaral has a small pitaya tree on his farm, and will increase production to generate income from the fruit

Like him, José Eduardo Gonçalves de Azevedo, 54, intends to invest in planting the species in an unproductive area within the property, located in the PAD-DF Rural Center. “I was looking for an alternative for this area and the idea is to invest in pitaya, mainly because of its profitability”, he explains.

The farmer already grows grains and has an area dedicated to fish farming. “In addition to what I already have, pitaya has a quick return in a short period and a small area, and is a good alternative to diversify my planting.”

José Eduardo de Azevedo intends to invest in the species: “It’s a good alternative to diversify my planting”

New alternatives

Friday’s workshop was the result of a partnership with Embrapa Cerrados. According to the researcher at the institution linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa), Fábio Faleiro, the work with Emater-DF is essential to build a bridge with rural producers.

“This transfer of the technology developed by Embrapa to farmers is very important when we think about fruit growing, because to produce beautiful, good quality and competitive fruit on the market, it is necessary to use technology”, highlights the expert.

When it comes to agricultural production, the category stands out because it generates economic viability for small properties, characteristic of the largest portion of producers in the DF. “We really believe in this socio-productive inclusion to bring opportunities to these small producers, and fruit growing, such as pitaya and passion fruit, for example, are good options for this population”, highlights Faleiro.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Producers Federal District participate workshop improve pitaya cultivation




