Truck with donations for RS overturns in SC and driver is injured | Santa Catarina

Truck with donations for RS overturns in SC and driver is injured | Santa Catarina
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1 of 1 Truck with donations to Rio Grande do Sul overturns in Santa Catarina — Photo: CBMSC/Disclosure
Truck with donations to Rio Grande do Sul overturns in Santa Catarina — Photo: CBMSC/Disclosure

A truck with donations for Rio Grande do Sul overturned in Seara, in the west of Santa Catarina, before reaching its destination. The driver was injured and was taken to hospital by the Santa Catarina Military Fire Department.

The case occurred around 1:30 pm this Friday (10). The truck ended up with its wheels up after tipping over. The accident occurred near the Rio Caçador bridge, on the Seara road bypass.

When firefighters arrived, the driver was lying on the ground. He told rescuers that he jumped out of the truck when he realized it was about to tip over.

During the first treatment, firefighters immobilized the driver with a neck brace and, using a rigid stretcher, placed the man in an ambulance.

He was then taken to Hospital São Roque, in Seara. The truck came from Paraná.

The Military Highway Police (PMRv) reported that they also responded to the accident, but there was no information about the case until this news was published.

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Truck donations overturns driver injured Santa Catarina




