Energisa opens vacancies for apprentices and interns in Tocantins; check out

Energisa opens vacancies for apprentices and interns in Tocantins; check out
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Tocantins – Energisa announced the opening of a selection process for its Apprenticeship Program in several cities in Tocantins. Vacancies are available in Palmas, Araguaína, Dianópolis, Guaraí and Porto Nacional, with registrations open until May 19th.

Internships for students in Palmas

In addition to the learning program, Energisa also offers internship opportunities for students studying Communication and Electrotechnical or Mechatronics courses, exclusively in Palmas.

Selected interns will have access to a series of benefits, such as professional mentoring, active participation in relevant projects, career development and Life Insurance. It is important to highlight that all vacancies are affirmative for PwD candidates (People with Disabilities).

How to apply

Interested candidates should check the specific requirements and qualifications for each vacancy by accessing the Energisa Group employment platform via the link https://grupoenergisa.gupy.io/. The website offers detailed information about available opportunities, including job descriptions, necessary requirements and how to apply.

Service Information

  • Vacancy: Apprentice
    • Registration period: Until 05/19/2024
    • Places: Palmas, Araguaína, Dianópolis, Guaraí, Porto Nacional
  • Vacancy: Internship
    • Areas: Electrotechnics or Mechatronics and Communication
    • Location: Palmas/TO
    • Registration period: Until 05/17/2024



