MG: 24 people convicted of serious crimes did not return from ‘leaving’, says MP

MG: 24 people convicted of serious crimes did not return from ‘leaving’, says MP
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According to the Public Ministry, the fugitives committed crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, drug trafficking, among others.

credit: MPMG

The Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (MPMG) reported this Thursday (9/5) that 24 prisoners in the state — sentenced for serious crimes and benefited from temporary release in December last year — did not return to the prison system. As a result, they became part of the authorities’ wanted list.

According to the Public Ministry, the fugitives committed crimes such as murder, robbery, rape, drug trafficking, among others. They were detained in prison units in Ribeirão das Neves, São Joaquim de Bicas, Bom Despacho, Teófilo Otoni, Muriaé, Nanuque, Ponte Nova, Coronel Fabriciano, João Monlevade, São João del-Rei and Mariana.

The list of photos and crimes committed by each of them is available on the MPMG website. Reports, confidentially, can be made to the Public Prosecutor’s Office by calling 127 and (31) 3330-9504 or even through the institution’s portal.

Still according to data from the MP, temporary releases were granted to 3,760 inmates across the state in December 2023, with 142 not returning to prison units at the time, but, little by little, they were captured, leaving now 24 fugitives.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: people convicted crimes return leaving




