Finance and Congress reach agreement on payroll tax relief

Finance and Congress reach agreement on payroll tax relief
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In the interview, the minister stated that there are other alternatives to help municipalities, without resorting to social security taxation and left the door open for a reform of taxes that affect salaries in the future.

“The municipalities, I think, have a different problem. Because there are alternatives that seem much better to me than eroding the Social Security revenue base. I think it’s not a good policy for you to compromise Social Security. This will end up giving rise to future cuts. , future reforms that, in general, also end up affecting the poorest”, he said.

“In my opinion, we have to, taking into account the Social Security reform, preserve revenue. Unless we carry out a reform of payroll taxes, which is a possibility, but a general one, which maintains the collection in a more rational. This seems very opportune to me, after the consumption reform.”

In a press interview after the meeting with Pacheco, Haddad once again spoke about a new model for charging taxes on companies.

“If we persevere, long before 2027 we will have approval of a replacement for this (payroll charge), something that makes more sense than the current model. Everyone agrees that this model is in some ways outdated” , said Haddad.

“I am confident in saying that, due to the maturity of this issue, 2025 will be the year to deliberate on an alternative to this, therefore, before the re-encumbrance deadline (2028) we must present a global solution”, reinforced the minister.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Finance Congress reach agreement payroll tax relief




