Miss Minas Gerais 2024 is disqualified from the contest and will not participate in Miss Brazil

Miss Minas Gerais 2024 is disqualified from the contest and will not participate in Miss Brazil
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Minas Gerais, a traditional state in beauty contests, may not have a representative in Miss Brazil 2024. Daniela Oliveira, elected miss of the state in March this year, will not be able to participate in the contest after problems with the organization and because she does not have Brazilian nationality. The model is Portuguese-Brazilian.

Speaking on social media, Daniela shared that being a Miss was “a dream that ended up becoming a nightmare.”

The repercussions of Daniela’s possible departure from the contest began this Tuesday (May 7) when Dirley, organizer of Miss Universe Minas Gerais, announced that he would leave his position. The hitherto state coordinator stated that the decision is due to the change in the direction of the national contest, which is now managed by Gerson Antonelli, CEO of Miss Teen Brasil.

Dirley said, in a statement, that he tried to negotiate with the new owner of Miss Brazil, but the licensing fee required for the state franchise was “extremely abusive”. Soon after, Miss Universe Minas Gerais’ Instagram, where the official statement was released, was deactivated.

Elected Miss of the state in March, in Barbacena, Daniela Oliveira also used Instagram to inform that she would not actually participate in the national contest. The 27-year-old model spared no criticism of the organization and stated that it put her mental health at risk.

“For clarification purposes, I hereby announce that I will not participate in Miss Universe Brazil. I am completely devastated. There were many contractual issues that made me remain silent throughout this period, they played with my dream and my self-esteem. The coordination , in which I was represented, throughout this period did not honor their word and their duty to notify me of any obstacles that would cause me some type of inconvenience or even impossibility of participating in the competition, even with a contract that would guarantee me the right to participate. A dream that ended up becoming a nightmare, where I put my mental health at stake, frustrating myself and keeping silent about situations that I still can’t talk about”, he wrote.

Oliveira also stated that he only realized he would be out when he saw the note released by the State Coordination:

“I was surprised by the news only when the note from the State Coordination came out, at which point the National organization, through its president, promptly contacted me offering all the support for me to continue in the contest. I’m here out of respect for all of you who cheered and embraced this dream with me. I apologize for everything that happened”, he concluded.

What Miss Universe Brazil says:

The national organization commented on the controversy at Miss Minas Gerais. According to the new management, Dirley was not authorized to promise the candidate participation in the national competition and he tried to negotiate authorization for the franchise with the Minas Gerais state organization, but an agreement did not happen.

The note ends by stating that Daniela was contacted, but the decision to disqualify her is because the model is not Brazilian:

“We consulted the legal department of the international competition, which officially confirmed to us that she could not participate in any phase of the national competition because she does not meet one of the main requirements established in the official regulations of the international competition, namely, having Brazilian nationality, as well as as the national passport”, says the statement.

Miss Brasil Universe takes place in August and Minas Gerais does not have a representative at the moment. The state is the 2nd biggest winner of the contest, with 9 victories, behind only Rio Grande do Sul.

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