Work connecting Avenida Mato Grosso to Residencial Morada do Sol is 90% complete


The work, which aims to connect the Avenue to Residencial Morada do Sol, has reached a significant milestone and is now 90% complete. The project is part of the municipal administration’s commitment to improving urban mobility and providing a better quality of life for citizens.

Since the beginning of Mayor João Bang’s administration, the Infrastructure Secretariat has worked tirelessly to ensure the progress of this important project. With completion in sight, residents can expect greater traffic flow and easier access between the Avenue and the Residencial.

Secretary Carlinhos, as he is popularly known, expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the work, highlighting its positive impact on the city. “We are committed to making improvements that directly benefit our citizens. The completion of Avenida Mato Grosso is another step towards development and quality of life in our city”, stated the Secretary.

The local community is invited to closely monitor the progress of this and other initiatives that aim to improve the city’s urban infrastructure.

AMM Social Communication
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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Work connecting Avenida Mato Grosso Residencial Morada Sol complete




