AF | Status | Decree defines criteria for selecting school directors; new candidates will be able to participate

AF | Status | Decree defines criteria for selecting school directors; new candidates will be able to participate
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Tocantins News – The Government of Tocantins published, this Wednesday (08), a decree that establishes the technical criteria to support the selection for the public role of director of a School Unit of the State Education Network of Tocantins.

The act published in the Official State Gazette No. 6,566 has as its main objective to strengthen the democratic aspect within the scope of management dimensions, through a careful and transparent selection process.

The governor of Tocantins, Wanderlei Barbosa, stressed that education will always be a priority for his administration. “There is no way we can have the Tocantins we want, a place with better opportunities, if we do not go through strengthening Education. And this selection of directors is another of our actions towards this objective. With it, we will have professionals capable of leading schools and promoting more assertive actions,” he said.

The State Department of Education (Seduc) will establish complementary rules for the implementation of the decree, which comes into force on the date of its publication, revoking the previous decree nº 6,644, of July 2023.

“This measure aims to strengthen the quality of public education in the State, ensuring a selection of qualified managers committed to educational development and improving the teaching and learning process. I reinforce that new candidates will be able to participate in the competition”, highlighted the head of Seduc, Fábio Vaz.

About the process

The selection process will include three main stages: Assessment of Technical Competence through an Objective Test; analysis of the School Management Plan and Titles; and finally, an interview with the candidates.

Permanent employees who are part of the teaching staff of Public Basic Education of the State Education Network, whether on probation or not, who cumulatively have: Full degree or bachelor’s degree with pedagogical complementation may apply for the role; proven professional experience in a public or private school, of at least two years in teaching in the classroom, directing, pedagogical coordination (pedagogical or area, support, programs and projects, technical professional education), and/ or educational guidance, in addition to availability for full-time dedication, corresponding to 40 hours per week, for school units that operate in three shifts.

The candidate who is successful in the competition will be able to hold the position for up to three years, with the possibility of reappointment for the same period after a new selection process.

It is worth mentioning that some specific teaching units, such as indigenous and quilombola schools, military schools, Prison Units, Socio-Educational Service Units and the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (Apaes), or those governed by agreements or other similar instruments, which, concluded with the Department of Education, and which provide for other criteria for designating the role of director of a school unit will not participate in the selection of directors.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Status Decree defines criteria selecting school directors candidates participate




