Couple sentenced to more than 50 years in prison for killing and hiding motorcycle taxi driver’s body | Tocantins

Couple sentenced to more than 50 years in prison for killing and hiding motorcycle taxi driver’s body | Tocantins
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1 of 2 Remains of the body were found in vacant land — Photo: Dicom SSP/TO
Remains of the body were found in vacant land — Photo: Dicom SSP/TO

The couple accused in the case of the death of motorcycle taxi driver Francisco Fernandes da Silva, aged 68, were sentenced to more than 50 years in prison, in addition to the sentences imposed. The crime involved the theft of a motorcycle, cell phones, money and subsequent concealment of the body.

Motorcycle taxi driver Francisco, known as Fernandinho, had disappeared without a trace. The police’s main suspicion was robbery, as his motorcycle and belongings were not found.

The crime suspects were identified by police as “Lúcia”, aged 40, and “Rafael”, aged 25. The full names were not disclosed and the g1 he couldn’t make contact with their defense.

The two were accused and tried for the crime of “robbery” and concealment of a corpse, committed by agents and by ambush, against people over 60 years of age.

When setting the sentences, judge Antônio Dantas de Oliveira Júnior, from the 2nd Criminal Court of Araguaína, sentenced the woman to 25 years, 11 months and 8 days in prison, in addition to a 70-day fine. For the man, the sentence was 25 years, 2 months and 29 days in prison and payment of a 62-day fine.

The judge also set compensation to be paid to the motorcycle taxi driver’s heirs after the end of all possible appeals against the conviction. He also denied the two convicts the right to appeal freely.

2 of 2 Suspect of the crime was arrested by the Civil Police — Photo: Dicom SSP/TO
Suspect of the crime was arrested by the Civil Police — Photo: Dicom SSP/TO

According to the Court, investigators arrived at the couple after breaking the telephone confidentiality of one of the victim’s cell phones. The device was being used by drug traffickers in Araguanã, who were targets of police search and seizure.

During the seizure, the targets helped identify the couple who had passed on the device in exchange for drugs.

The investigation concluded that the woman lured the motorcycle taxi driver to her house, saying she had found documents that he had lost. At an investigation and trial hearing, she said that she washed and ironed clothes for the victim, who according to her was also a drug supplier at home.

There, there was a fight and the couple killed the motorcycle taxi driver with a hammer. The day after the crime, the body was dragged by the man to a lot and was only found about three months later, after the arrest of the accused, who indicated the exact location.

The body was charred, as the lot had been burned by people who did not see the motorcycle taxi driver’s body.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Couple sentenced years prison killing hiding motorcycle taxi drivers body Tocantins




