Davi, BBB24 champion, goes to Rio Grande do Sul to help victims of the storms | Bahia

Davi, BBB24 champion, goes to Rio Grande do Sul to help victims of the storms | Bahia
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Davi from BBB24 is traveling to RS to help people affected by the storm

The BBB24 champion, Davi Brito from Bahia, announced on social media that he is traveling, this Tuesday (7), to Rio Grande do Sul to help families who were victims of the storms.

“It’s going to be a long trip, but I’ll get there. I’m stopping by to ask for your support. I’m heading to Rio Grande do Sul so I can help.”

During the video, Davi asked his fans to reinforce their support to buy water and food for the population of Rio Grande do Sul as soon as he arrives in the state.

There are 207.8 thousand people away from home. Of this total, 48,800 are in shelters and 159,000 are homeless (people staying with family or friends). RS has 401 of its 497 municipalities affected by the storm, with 1.4 million people affected.

Before joining BBB24, Davi was already developing, alongside his ex-wife Mani Reggo, solidarity actions with homeless populations in Salvador. He collected vegetables from open-air markets and made soup for distribution at night on the streets of the capital of Bahia.

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