TRE/RN: remote call center clarifies voters’ doubts until this Wednesday


The Regional Electoral Court of Rio Grande do Norte (TRE-RN) will make available until this Wednesday (8) a remote call center to clarify voters’ doubts during the deadline to regularize their voter registration card. Support is offered from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, via contact: 3654-5800 (Whatsapp only).

The Central’s operation is aimed at providing information on the regularization of the electoral situation, deadlines, voting locations, opening hours, scheduling, necessary documentation, payment of fines, Net Title or any situation related to electoral registration.

About the Voter Service Center

The channel is only for messaging services via WhatsApp and cannot under any circumstances be subject to telephone calls, aiming to improve and speed up service. Therefore, when contacting the call center telephone number, the voter will be presented with the following service sequence:

1) automated service;

2) support from the center via message;

3) specific service to the voter’s respective zone.

TRE/RN reinforces that voters cannot perform services via the WhastApp channel, only ask questions. The idea is that, if the doubt cannot be eliminated in the first alternative, the system makes the next option available (the call center integrated by Secretariat employees), so that the voter can obtain the answers to their questions. If the doubt is still not resolved, the server at this center will forward the issue to a server in the respective electoral zone.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: TRERN remote call center clarifies voters doubts Wednesday




