15-year-old teenager dies in car accident in Bahia; vehicle broke in half on impact | Bahia

15-year-old teenager dies in car accident in Bahia; vehicle broke in half on impact | Bahia
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1 of 2 Car broke in half in an accident that caused the death of a teenager from São Paulo in Bahia — Photo: Reproduction/Redes Sociais
Car broke in half in an accident that caused the death of a teenager from São Paulo in Bahia — Photo: Reproduction/Redes Sociais

A 15-year-old teenager died after being involved in a car accident in Bahia, on Sunday (5). The vehicle, which was driven by the minor, crashed into a pole at km 621 of BA-130, a stretch between Firmino Alves and Itororó, both municipalities in southern Bahia.

The impact of the collision split the car in half.

The victim was identified as Nicolas Henrique Rocha de Aquino. Born in São Paulo, he studied at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Baiano (IF Baiano), in Itapetinga, in the southwest of the state, and lived with his family in Itororó.

2 of 2 Nicolas Henrique Rocha de Aquino studied at IF Baiano, in Itapetinga — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks
Nicolas Henrique Rocha de Aquino studied at IF Baiano, in Itapetinga — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

According to information from the Independent Road Policing Company of the southern region (CIPRV), the teenager succumbed to his injuries and died at the scene.

Teenager dies in car accident on BA-130, in southern Bahia

In a statement, IF Baiano lamented “the unexpected loss” of the student and said he sympathized with family and friends. The campus declared an official three-day mourning period.

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