Animal Welfare participates in seminar on Link Theory


The Animal Welfare Department of São José do Rio Preto participated this Thursday morning, 9/5, in the Seminar “Animal Welfare and the Link Theory from a legal perspective”, promoted by the 4th Battalion of the Environmental Police in celebration of the detachment’s 35th anniversary. The event, hosted at Unorte, was attended by members of the Executive, Legislative, OAB, security forces and the scientific community.

The welcome was given by Lieutenant Colonel Alessandro Daleck Moreira, commander of the 4th Battalion of the Environmental Police. “This year, in celebration of the 35th anniversary, we decided to hold an academic event in the morning and, in the afternoon, a ceremony to appreciate our staff, with the awarding of Military Valor medals, Personal Merit Awards and our currency, Challenge Coin, from the 4th Battalion of the Environmental Police”, says Daleck.

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Afterwards, the commander invited the reserve colonel of the Military Police of São Paulo Marcelo Robis Francisco Nassaro to open the Seminar and speak about the Link Theory or Bond Theory, which draws a parallel between the occurrence of mistreatment against animals and cases of domestic and family violence.

The speaker showed images of mistreatment of domestic animals in the presence of children and brought results of scientific research carried out in the United States and Brazil. “The scientific findings of the Link Theory recommend that everyone be aware of reports and acts of animal cruelty, aiming to expand their actions to recognize the connection between animal abuse and violence against people, especially domestic violence, because mistreated animals are sentinels of a degraded family environment”, says the reserve colonel.

Round table

After the initial part, a round table was formed mediated by Daleck, with the participation of Nassaro, as well as Rafael Azeredo de Oliveira, coordinator of the Environmental Law Commission of OAB Rio Preto, Tatiana Morosini de Andrade Cruvinel, doctor in veterinary medicine , and Diego Borges Lourenço, Secretary of Animal Welfare.

Diego spoke about the history of the Animal Welfare Secretary of Rio Preto, services provided, achievements and challenges, mainly on the issue of mental health of owners reported for animal abuse. “You have to act against animal abuse, but if you can look beyond it and act in this situation in a broader way, it is a huge benefit. This is why partnerships are so necessary and important, as we can only move forward by building actions together.”

In addition to the Municipality of São José do Rio Preto, the Military Police, Unorte and OAB subsection Rio Preto are involved in the event.

Photograph: Bianca Zaniratto/Pref. Rio Preto

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Animal Welfare participates seminar Link Theory




