Secret revealed! Scientists reveal strategies for losing weight


Scientists have discovered that doing high-intensity aerobic exercise can enhance the weight loss effects of intermittent fasting.

Understand in more detail below.

What is aerobic resistance exercise?

Illustrative image of aerobic exercises – iStock

O aerobic resistance exercise, also called cardiovascular or aerobic training, is a physical activity that uses large muscle groups continuously and constantly over a long period.

It is made for improve the capacity of the heart and lungsincrease resistance and burn calories.

The combination that helps you lose more weight

See 10 exercises to do at home to lose weight. – Freepik

Researchers found that combining high-intensity exercise with intermittent fasting can help people to lose about 30% more weight.

Obese women who followed this strategy for 12 weeks lost an average of 25 pounds.

In comparison, those who only followed a time-restricted diet lost 9 kg, and those who only exercised lost 5.4 kg.

Researchers say that combining exercise and diet has the greatest benefits for weight loss and heart health.

Search details


Woman doing physical exercise during the day. – Pexels

The researchers studied 64 women, with an average age of 32 and a BMI of 35.

Twenty-four participated in the high-intensity functional training and time-restricted eating group, while the other two groups had 20 participants each.

The training sessions consisted of eight series of eight exercises, lasting 45 to 55 minutes, performed three times a week.

Participants who ate within an 8-hour window only ate from 8 am to 4 pm, with no restrictions on quantity.


Women doing exercises on the floor. – Pexels

The researchers compared different health indicators such as waist circumference, blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol and lipid levels.

The group that combined exercise and intermittent fasting lost the most weight and had the greatest reduction in waist circumference, at 10.5 cm, compared to 6.7 cm in the fasting-only group and 7.6 cm in the fasting-only group. exercises.

Furthermore, the reduction in total cholesterol and glucose levels was greater in the group that combined fasting and exercise.

Study limitations

The researchers acknowledged that the study did not consider variations in the menstrual cycle, and that the sample was small.

They also admitted that food records made by volunteers may not be accurate and lead to inaccurate estimates of nutrient intake.

*With information from the Catraca Livre website.


The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Secret revealed Scientists reveal strategies losing weight




