After hospitalization and diagnosis of diabetes, elderly man who only drinks soda continues without drinking water: ‘I have a stock of Coca-Cola’ | Bahia

After hospitalization and diagnosis of diabetes, elderly man who only drinks soda continues without drinking water: ‘I have a stock of Coca-Cola’ | Bahia
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1 of 5 Baiano Roberto Pedreira, 70 years old, only drinks Coca-Cola — Photo: Personal archive
Roberto Pedreira, 70 years old, from Bahia, only drinks Coca-Cola — Photo: Personal archive

Even after being hospitalized for a month in a private hospital in Salvador, the decision of retired Roberto Pedreira, 70, is the same: “I don’t drink water and I don’t stop drinking Coca-Cola”. The Bahian states that, in the last 50 years, he only drank the soda – even in secret.

“I have a supply of Coca-Cola at home. At the hospital, I stocked up in the minibar when I was transferred to the apartment,” he said.

2 of 5 Elderly man admitted to hospital tells hospital that he doesn’t drink water, only soda — Photo: Personal Archive
Elderly hospitalized person tells hospital that he doesn’t drink water, only soda — Photo: Personal Archive

One of the few exceptions to the consumption of Coca-Cola Zero occurred during the period spent in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with Covid-19. He was discharged in April.

At the time, Roberto went viral when he left a written notice: “I don’t drink liquid medicine, don’t insist. I don’t drink water, I only drink Coca-Cola.” [Veja foto acima]

The retiree was in the ICU for a week and claims being in the health unit was not a problem. Even worse was running out of Coca-Cola and having to swallow medicine with coconut water – a solution found by the medical team when faced with refusals to drink water.

“They wanted to give me water so I could swallow the medicine, but I explained that it wouldn’t go down, so the solution was coconut water. I wasn’t worried about being in the ICU, I just didn’t like it because I didn’t get Coca-Cola there,” he said.

3 of 5 Roberto Pedreira and godson in Salvador — Photo: Personal archive
Roberto Pedreira and godson in Salvador — Photo: Personal archive

At the time the case went viral on social media, the g1 He contacted the administration of Hospital São Rafael, where the retiree was hospitalized, and was informed that the health unit had no formal communication about Roberto not drinking water and that, “probably, the patient did it as a joke”.




