Official Portal of Campos dos Goytacazes City Hall

Official Portal of Campos dos Goytacazes City Hall
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Since the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual meetings have become common for everyone, especially in the corporate world, and the demands for quality and security in transmissions are increasingly greater. Engineer and entrepreneur Luiz Gustavo Borges invested in this segment before the pandemic happened, through the company Congresse-me, one of the startups developed by the entrepreneur and incubated at TEC Incubadora. He published articles in national media, such as the Negócios e Leilões section of Jornal O Globo. The report was highlighted in the editorial section at the beginning of April.

The entrepreneur is becoming a reference in this area. With the experience of more than 1,000 events, the startup held the UNESCO Global Conference against Racism, broadcast in four languages, being one of the success stories. He explains that the quality of the transmission is essential for these conferences and congresses.

“Internet instability, poor quality audio, all of this can compromise a debate and cause problems, in addition to the personal monitoring of speakers and organizers. Therefore, executives and leaders are increasingly looking for personalized structures when holding these meetings”, he highlights.

Luiz Gustavo was incubated at TEC with the startup MePassaAí, which had customers in 115 countries. Today, he is part of TEC’s team of mentors and, through the Startup Campos Program, from the Municipal Department of Education, Science and Technology, he is incubated with his new project, Clube Arte. He spoke of the importance of having his work published nationally.

“I think this highlight in national media is very important to be able to show mainly the work that is carried out here in the interior and how we, creating with startups here, with people from here, can reach the whole world. Having people from all corners of Brazil consuming products and services, generating revenue for the company, taxes for the municipality, shows that this is a very relevant path for this new economy of the future”, highlights Luiz.

The entrepreneur also said that he has been part of Startup Campos through “Clube Arte” since last year and, from August until now, he has already signed partnerships with two companies in the sector, obtained two scholarships from Faperj and is moving forward to structure more complete courses for the professionalization of artisans.

Clube Arte started with his mother, who was an artisan. “My mother and I started a crafts channel on YouTube in 2017. She was extremely talented and I worked in technology. The channel exploded and, in seven months, it already had 100 thousand subscribers. It continued to grow exponentially, becoming a larger system: channel, blog, products, shop, becoming one of the largest craft channels in Brazil, with 700k participants at the end of 2020”, he said.

That same year, they had the idea of ​​solving two common problems in more than 50 thousand comments: the artisans wanted to make a living from crafts and sell more.

“So, we thought of Clube Arte, a platform that combined a Netflix of entrepreneurship for crafts and the opportunity to create a virtual shop for an artisan instantly. All this with a feeling of community. However, my mother passed away due to Covid, at the end of 2020. After three years of maturing the idea, I decided to move forward with the company, with the help of friends, as a way of maintaining Silvinha Borges’ legacy. After that, I enrolled the company in the Startup Campos program and it is already being very important for growth”, concludes Luiz Gustavo.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Official Portal Campos dos Goytacazes City Hall




