Deadline to declare IR and enter the first batch of refund ends this Friday (10)

Deadline to declare IR and enter the first batch of refund ends this Friday (10)
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Brazilians who wish to receive the Income Tax refund (IR) 2024 in first lot you have until 11:59 pm this Friday (10) to send the declaration to the Federal Revenue. According to the entity, the taxpayers will be covered according to the order of prioritywhich includes the elderly, people with disabilities and judges.

+ Find out what’s new for declaring Income Tax this year

Another group that will have priority when paying will be people who use the pre-filled declaration, in addition to those who choose to receive the amount via PIX. The services, announced last year, aim to facilitate filling out the document, which must be submitted by May 31st – the same date as the first refund.

In total, payments will be divided into five batches, always deposited on the last business day of the month:

  • 1st batch: May 31st;
  • 2nd batch: June 28th;
  • 3rd batch: July 31st;
  • 4th batch: August 30th;
  • 5th batch: September 30th.

Who should declare IR?

  • Who received taxable income, subject to adjustment in the declaration, whose sum was greater than R$ 30,639.90
  • Received exempt, non-taxable or taxed income exclusively at source, the sum of which was more than R$ 200 thousand last year
  • Anyone who obtained, in any month of 2023, a capital gain on the sale of assets or rights, subject to tax, or carried out operations on stock, commodity, futures and similar exchanges whose sum was greater than R$40 thousand, or with the calculation of net gains subject to tax;
  • Anyone who was exempt from tax on capital gains on the sale of residential properties, followed by the acquisition of another residential property within 180 days;
  • Who had, in 2023, gross income in excess of R$ R$ 153,199.50 in rural activity (compared to R$ R$ 142,798.50 in 2022);
  • Those who had, until December 31, 2023, possession or ownership of assets or rights, including bare land, with a total value of more than R$800 thousand (compared to R$300 thousand in 2022); who became resident in Brazil in any month and was in this condition until December 31, 2023;
  • Whoever chose to declare the assets, rights and obligations held by the controlled entity, directly or indirectly, abroad as if they were held directly by the individual;
  • Holds a trust abroad;
  • Want to update assets abroad.

How to declare?

To send your Income Tax declaration you need to download the program from the IRS and fill in personal information, as well as income and expense data. If you already have a silver or gold Gov account, you can use the pre-filled declaration, minimizing errors.

After completing the declaration completely, you must choose the form of discount: legal or simplified. When the calculated amount of tax payable is lower than the tax already paid in 2023, the taxpayer will be entitled to a refund. In this case, you must indicate a bank account or Pix key (CPF) to receive payment.

The period for sending the declaration runs until May 31st. Those who miss the deadline will still be able to send the declaration, but must pay a late fee. The minimum value is R$ 165.74, a figure that corresponds to 1% per month on the amount of Income Tax due, with a limit of 20% of the total tax amount.

To date, more than 23.3 million people have already sent their Income Tax declaration to the Federal Revenue Service, with 71.3% eligible to receive a refund. In total, the entity expects 43 million declarations this year.

Consequences of not declaring income tax

Failure to declare Income Tax can have serious consequences for the taxpayer, such as the imposition of fines and interest, in addition to the possibility of being left with the Irregular CPF.

It is also possible for the taxpayer to fall through the cracks, in the event of an error in the information, which could be investigated by the Federal Revenue Service. In this case, the taxpayer must rectify the declaration through the Revenue website, as long as they have not yet received the summons.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Deadline declare enter batch refund ends Friday




