The meaning of colors in the environment


The colors of the environment at CASACOR/Floripa 2023 were chosen with inspiration from the surroundings: the beach atmosphere, the tones of the sky and sea, the sand and plants, and of course, the enchanting orange and reddish nuances of the setting sun.

Based on an in-depth study of colors and their meanings, tones that reflect the landscape and bring different sensations to visitors were applied to the project.

Orange and the joy of living

The orange sofa was one of the highlights of the room – Photo: Alpes Arquitetura/Disclosure

The colors are mainly in the furniture, decorative objects, plants and works of art that permeate the 337m2 space. Orange, present in furniture, ceramic vases, works of art, puffs and pendants, means the joy of living, creativity, relaxation.

These warm tones are related to the sun’s rays that shine in the room, with a large number of windows. Still about orange, it is a color of expansion and connection, it promotes good communication and inspires contagious and unifying energy.

The color is ideal for this gastronomic space, as it stimulates sensitivity
for taste and smell, very useful in eating places.

Green: hope and prosperity

Green gave life to the restaurant – Photo: Alpes Arquitetura/Disclosure

The space was punctuated with natural vegetation, composing the biophilic and cozy design, with all the meanings of the color green. The color of balance, overcoming and regeneration, green has a heritage from yellow and blue.

From yellow he inherited memory, the tendency to friendly behavior and attention to his surroundings. From blue he inherited peace, intellectual activity, observation and reflection.

The most healing color, which invokes the search for balance and stability, is also the color of prosperity and diplomacy. In the space, greenery welcomes visitors at the entrance and punctuates niches in the bistro, in addition to being on a large table and spread in vases throughout the corners.

The light blue air

Blue, the color of peace, silence and lightness, appears on the sinuous sofa that accommodates more than ten people in comfort. It is also present in the ceramic vases and works of art that stand out in the environment.

Colorful ceramic objects caught attention – Photo: Alpes Arquitetura/DisclosureColorful ceramic objects caught attention – Photo: Alpes Arquitetura/Disclosure

Blue exudes a diplomatic and peaceful air, philosophical thought, spiritual search and freedom through reflection. It makes relationships more compassionate and is soothing for physical and psychological pain.

With these colors, professionals from Alpes Arquitetura sought to provide the best experience for visitors, so that they could feel the essence of the surroundings and have the most pleasant sensations when enjoying a meal or having conversations and moments of fun in the environment.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: meaning colors environment




